Years ago, when I was a boy on the thresh hold of man hood, I stood in a line of other men and woman, sweat dripping down my face, praying it wouldn't go into my eyes as wiping away the sting was NOT an option. My Dobahk clung to me soaked through with sweat and a little blood. My legs shaked with exhaustion, I felt nausea creeping up on me, though I hadn't eaten since early that morning. None of this really bothered me. Though I was facing ahead my attention was on the master who came down the line handing out the black belts we had just earned. He took his time, pleasantly smiling and congratulating those who passed. When it was my turn I'll never forget the words he said to me. After six years of hard work. Six years of sacrifice I was finally going to get my black belt. I felt on top of the world, and what did the master say to me? Why, he looked at me and said, "You have now made it to the base of the mountain, it's time to start to climb."
After the failure of my massage practice, I went back to school with the goal of getting into the nursing program. It has taken me two years, and I have had to over come so many obstacles. Money issues, angry and vengeful ex-wife, poor advice from counselors, not to mention the usual classes, and finally getting a full ride scholarship into the nursing program from a local hospital. Today was the last obstacle, I took and passed the entrance exam. It is official, I am in the nursing program. Once again, after years of struggle, I find myself at the foot of the mountain. I didn't get here alone. It has taken the support of my b'loved water witch, and more friends then I can name. I have a hard climb ahead of me, but I know with the help of my family, the kindreds and patrons, I will, in another two years be once again on top of the mountain and from the top I shall shout my victory cry! In the names' of Bridgit and Lugh, Let the climb begin!
congratulations and best wishes for your future journey